Monday, June 25, 2007

God's Country and Late night walks

As Rod Pederson has Robservations....I am rippin him off with my rendition of the berbservations...............

Well after a 5 month stint...I finally received my travel visa and headed to Regina for the weekend. There is nothing better than football season.....Friday night I took in my first game of the 07 season at Mosaic and what a great night it was for football.....and a sell out to go along with it.......The riders escaped a late comeback by Calgary winning 23-21. Bring on the regular season....

Both Friday and Saturday nights I ended up walking home....whats up with that? I haven't been on foot like that since high school....on top of that......It was one big high school party in every park I walked through both nights....

Beer and guitar hero...a lethal combo.......I don't think I have ever seen a crew of people more focused on a video game.....the keg was second fiddle for sure on this you can see...Skolney (right) and Jay (left)...clearly want to quit there day jobs to be guitar heroes....oh wait.....Jay doesn't have a job....

speaking of kegs.......Props to .5 for stepping up and having the keg only complaint was the complete lack of food in the peanut butter to be found anywhere...and the only thing in the guys freezer were salmon burgers.....SALMON BURGERS? are you kidding me? The last thing I want to eat when I am drunk is healthy food......Choking down one of those burgers was definatly the low point of the night for this guy......

I love brewsters......still.....

Kerry Joseph is the Riders Starting quarterback...CJME broke the news this morning....

I am addicted to sports talk radio.....Thanks to the Minneapolis duo of P.A. and Dubay on KFAN

Does anyone want to finish my Thesis for me???

Made my first appearance to the Press Box sports bar.....sweet place...if it was closer to my house it might rival Brewster's for my business.....

I officially want a Great Dane.....Jay's dog is sweet....

apparently the word on the street after I went home Saturday was T freds had skills......who knew???? She probably loved his ability to smoke 40 cigarettes in one night while having tooniess tuck in each nostril....

Kaiser was particularly funny this weekend.....he had good one liners and decent execution of his jokes...picked perfect times to burn himself..............good job buddy...

In other shocking news.....Dorais was at the party and pretty drunk.....and not once did he try to punch out any of his friends.........his little ones at home must be softening him up in his old age.........COME ON DORAIS....punch a brother out!!!!!!

And finally in the world of overachieving......Drew Martin please stand can have a seat right beside me.......

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