Monday, June 18, 2007

Phil likes to burn T-Freds

Tale of the Tape.....


6 ft 170 pounds (When bloated)
Hair Color: None
Finishing Move: Kaiser Clutch


Tyler "Greasy Bear" Frederick

5 ft 8 170 pounds
Hair Color: Black
Finishing Move: his bad breath

Thought this was worthy of a entry...GOOD JOB KAISER

Thought it would be funny....add too or rip someone new


Assets: Has savvy Xbox skills. Good at taking beaks. Worlds slowest talker.

Flaws: He has and never will be the funny guy in the room. His beaks are defensive in manner. He lacks offensive ability and overall polish in his beaks. He also takes years to prepare ...due to his abundance of creams, gels, hair dryers and overall grooming.

Career potential: First line hetero gay friend. Might fit 2 toonies in one nostrel (this would make him very happy).

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