Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wagons West No More........

TMZ.com broke the news early this morning....The Berube's are no longer moving to Seattle...

The Seattle Times followed suit minutes later...with the Headline "S-H-O-C-K-E-D"...... Microsoft mogul Bill Gates had this to say about the incredible change in plans...."Well....what can I say? My phone has been ringing off the hook since 7am this morning...Reporters wanting to know if its true, if I had spoken directly to the Berube's? It's a shame they won't be coming out here as they would have been great for this city and this city's future". "I wish them all the best in Fargo".

Fox News and CNN have had non-stop coverage of the morning events and its all over the talk radio airwaves....It was the top story of the hour on Howard 100 and Howard 101 news this morning on Sirius Radio....Robyn noted that the paparazzi and tabloid magazines are offering up to 30,000 dollars for more information on the story..The couples website http://berbsblogs.blogspot.com was down this morning when we tried to log onto it...their web host was contacted and told us that it was down to the extremely high volume of hits this morning...upwards of 200,000 attempts to access the site before 9am.....

All we can confirm right now is that Jess has accepted a full time position with the Fargo public school division. There people won't give us any more information at this time and said they will be making a statement later in the week and answering questions from fans and media.

We can also report that their move date will be pushed back. Of course no date has been released yet by their people but we can confidently assume that will be later in the month of August...

What incredible news.....all of a sudden the Tim Donaghy point shaving scandal and Lindsey Lohan DUI/cocaine arrest have taken second fiddle to this massive story....

We also have reports that David Beckham will be on Larry King Live tonight talking about this breaking news story.......as its much similar to their big move to L.A. just recently....


Anonymous said...

Does this mean you will be at the labor day classic?

J and T's Super Blog said...

Nice work son...maybe you can apply to the Fargo daily news for a reporting position

J and T's Super Blog said...

I will be at the Labor Day Classic....PS...dad log my account off at home so when you post it doesn't say "J and T's Blog"