Thursday, August 16, 2007

hello from Minnesot Ah

Well....we are in day 2 of our mini Vay K. Jess, myself, her parents and my parents have being touring around the Twin Cities.....

Day one consisted of driving from our new hometown of Fargo, North Dakota to Minny...with a 3 hour lay over in Albertville...home of the 100 outlet stores............

We spent a solid 6 hours today between the Mall of America and Ikea....lets just say I am sick of walking around........especially after hitting up Albertville yesterday.....

So whats on the skid for tommorow? Well...we are gonna hit up the Twinkies and Texas Rangers at the Metrodome and probably do some more shopping during the day...suprised? you shouldn't be....we are with my mom...the power shopper.....

Had our first experience with valet parking tonight....We ate a really cool Thai place called "The King and I Thai" in downtown Minneapolis and they had valet parking....felt like a celeb for about 5 minutes.....

Once I get the internet hooked up in Fargo (monday) I will tell the tale of our move to Fargo....jeeez what a debacle that was!!!!..

Well folks...Jess and I are spent.....Time to lay down for the night at the good old Holiday Inn Express

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