Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Funny Pics

Looking through some photos tonight I found a lot of hilarious pics of my buddies.....So why not share them with everyone.......

Ahh idea what your doing here..but its sure hilarious

Jay looks confused and who knows whats going on in Marks diabolical brain....

Funny story....This wasn't at a toga fact I do believe Lang resorted to wearing this after he was puked on by a team heard me...puked on.. wouldn't be Scott Spencer if he wasn't eating sausage...This photo speaks a thousand words.....

Your not Ace.....we know that much......

The shneid himself.....Is he confused there? or does he just wanna punch me in the face?

Oh John looks like you are wincing because your necklace is cutting off circulation to your head...


Anonymous said...

What happened to gilly?

J and T's Super Blog said...

It was deemed a little risque.....